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It’s Raining Men!

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It’s Raining Men!


Today- 4/20- was the day my new grandson was due to be born, but he came six days early. Phoenix Lee Hodges was born on April 14th at 11:46 a.m. I already had Wyatt since I picked him up from school and he spent the night Tuesday, when A.J. called Wednesday at 5 a.m. to say she was heading to the hospital and was in labor. Six hours later, Wyatt’s little brother and my third grandson was born, all pink and cute, with long arms and legs and looking a lot like Wyatt did as a newborn.

Last week, between having Wyatt and watching Liam, I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Tuesday night I’d planned on making Yellowtail Snapper for dinner, so pulled it out of the freezer. It smelled a little fishy (but it is fish, after all), but still smelled fishy after I marinated it and sauteed it in butter. I’d boiled sweet potatoes to serve as a side, but as I was putting them in the microwave to heat up, I dropped the glass bowl and it shattered; pureed sweet potatoes and glass shards went flying everywhere.

“Let’s order pizza”, I said to Zeke and threw the fish and the potatoes in the garbage. So dinners this week, since I had Wyatt, were a matter of survival, not luxury. Wyatt had Chef Boyardee Spaghettios, Ravioli and when those were gone, pasta with my red sauce for dinner. Wyatt was SO excited about having a new little brother.

Wyatt, the pasta monster.

I’m going to look up to him and he’s going to look up to me. Well, since he’ll be in a crib, maybe he will look up to me more.

Wyatt said.

He, of course, told his friends at school about this big event. One of his friends told his Mom he would give her a sticker if she would put a baby in her belly. Big incentive.

I know it’s not like such a big deal having a baby.

Wyatt said.

Seemingly trying to minimize what had just happened.

“Oh, but it is,” I said. “Having a baby is probably the biggest deal in the world.”

I like being busy, but not over-scheduled, but this week was NUTS and I felt like I was doing everything half-assed. We got stuck in Washington D.C. until Monday, so had to tell my tennis captain I couldn’t play in our 55+ match Monday and when I got home, realized I was scheduled to play in another Beta match Thursday, on a day I was supposed to watch Liam. I e-mailed my captain, told her I couldn’t play and apologized. I also told my tennis partner I’d double-booked.

While I was watching Liam Thursday I got a phone call from my partner.

“Didn’t you say you weren’t playing today?”

“Yes,” I answered.

“Well Theresa (our captain) thought you were.”


I could then hear Holly say “Go get your tennis shoes,” and we hung up.

Luckily it worked out and they even won their match against my old team of Riviera. When I finally got to check my emails Friday, I discovered I’d emailed another Theresa (from my garden club), instead of my tennis captain, about not being able to play. She emailed me back saying she had no idea what I was talking about. Duh!

Wyatt had Pete the Cat day and a pizza party at school on Friday, so we went to Target to get a yellow shirt for him to wear. I also let him pick a toy for himself (a torturous experience because he had to look at every toy), got a new booster seat to replace his car seat, and I let him pick out a present for the baby. He choose a pacifier with a stuffed sloth attached. At home, I glued green and red buttons on his yellow shirt (from a Pete the Cat book) and he looked so cute Friday morning, heading off to school and joining other yellow shirted pre-schoolers.

I picked him up early from school so we could go meet the new baby. He tried giving me directions to his condo on Brickell, which I’ve only been to twice. I Wazed it, but also needed gas.

“No Gigi, you need to turn here. I promise you, if you listen to me you’ll be there in no time. And there’s a gas station nearby.”

He kept insisting I listen to him until I finally said: “Wyatt- enough!”

Then I heard soft sobbing in the back seat and turned back to see Wyatt crying in his new, big boy booster seat. I felt terrible.

“I’m sorry Wyatt, but Gigi is very stressed out right now and I just need to find my way.”

It had been an eventful, but also very stressful week and all the things I do to relieve stress- walking, writing and meditating- I had no time to do. We arrived at the condo, where his Dad met us downstairs and took us up to go meet his little brother. He ran into the apartment and was so excited, rubbing together his freshly washed hands with anticipation. He got to hold him, but was a little turned off by the umbilical cord.

“What is that thing?” he asked.

A.J. explained what it was and Wyatt said “He’s losing a little of his cuteness for me because of that.”

I held the baby, so small (like a cucumber according to Wyatt) with straight, light brown hair and full beautiful lips. A.J. took some photos of me with the new baby; I had Wyatt join us, as I didn’t want him to feel left out. I’d brought over a dinner for A.J., Justin and Wyatt- baked pasta with sausage, salad and garlic bread. I hugged Wyatt goodbye, told him to call me on his Alexa if he ever needed to talk and left the little family alone. And breathed a huge sigh of relief and headed to the Keys.

To tell you the truth, I am a bit overwhelmed by it all. It was an eventful week, filled with twists and turns. It was also a wonderful week, so I’m overwhelmed with joy, happiness and hope for the future, as well. Because with three grandsons, what other choice do I have?

Up Next: Smashed Potato Appetizers

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About Gina Guilford

A former Air Florida flight attendant and daughter of a pilot, I love traveling, cooking and entertaining. Whether exploring Miami’s newest hot spots, visiting old favorites or discovering hidden gems, I’m always up for an eating adventure. My Foodie in Miami website shares personal essays, recipes, restaurant news and reviews, as well as views from my tropical garden.

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